
عرض كامل الموضوع : السر وراء كلمة family

wite rose
03/10/2008, 23:48
Do you know what is family

Do you really understand what is behind the word family

It gave me a shock when I knew the answer

هل تعرف ما وراء سر كلمة family

اعطتني شعور رائع حين عرفت المعنى

Here Is The Answer ..........



هنا الاجابه العظيمه لكلمة


F = Father

A= And

M = Mother

I = I

L = Love

Y = You

وتركيب معنى كلمة familyهو :الآتي

father and mother I love you

أمي و أبي أنا أحبكــم



المعنى جدا راائع

04/10/2008, 01:54
Thank you, but the word Family is large and extended not including only the father &mother.

04/10/2008, 02:12
حلوة....تركيبة حلوة

09/10/2008, 19:44
I really like it , but i think the word (FAMILY) could carry alot of meanings !!!
thank u so much!!:D

fernanda bachchan kfoury
09/10/2008, 21:59
التركيبة ازا كانت صحيحة بتجنن
والمعنى حلو


mary belle
11/12/2008, 18:22
nice kteer

a7la lolo
11/12/2008, 19:22
maybe the word ((family))2 u is too much than that but 4 other is just ''mom or dad''not more than that
thnx thats soooooooooooooooooo niiiiice

wite rose
18/12/2008, 14:35
thank you all

شكرا للجميع على مرورهن الطيب

26/04/2009, 03:14
verey nice word

I love my family soo mutch

thanks for god