عرض كامل الموضوع : the yellow light.....down of dreams
الجني الملعون
12/06/2006, 16:53
do u wanna see my face ....do u wanna know where i live ....see my faces and see where i live in my pics of face and town ......come jump with me from that stone (can u see me)....i love this game....if u wanna come i'll take u to my home in that village now i should come back am late byee
marioma alghzayala
12/06/2006, 17:49
ولييي عليك ....:( كل هالقد ..:cry:
u have to take it easy
and why do u think that i wrote that for u???
12/06/2006, 19:28
there is something strange :shock:
marioma alghzayala
13/06/2006, 10:26
yaaa :shock:
الجني الملعون
13/06/2006, 10:39
miriamo...u write twice but in ht esecond time why u write yaaa ? any way i give u that black rose into my profile.
marioma alghzayala
13/06/2006, 10:44
ya that's right ..i wrote twice ..but where's the problem :???? ..and i thank u for the nice rose :shock:
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