
عرض كامل الموضوع : من هو مصطفى قمر ؟؟؟!!! .. حياته .. أخباره ..

03/10/2006, 04:11
من هو مصطفى قمر ؟؟؟!!! .. حياته .. أخباره .. وصوره ..

////////////// الروابط الي بيحطوها الأعضاء بيقدر فقط الأعضاء يشوفوها ، اذا مصرّ تشوف الرابط بك تسجل يعني تصير عضو بأخوية سوريا بالأول -///////////////

إلى كل محبي الفنان مصطفى قمر وبخاصة إلى (( :hart: السنيورة غازيتا :hart: )) أما بالنسبة للصور فيوجد لدي أكثر من (( 1000 )) صورة لا أستطيع أن أضعها ولكن إذا كان أحد يرغب صوره فأنا حاضر وليطلب الصورة الذي يريدها ..

الاسم : مصطفي احمد محمد حسن عمار
الجنسيه : مصر
حاله الطوارء : متزوج
الطالع : العذراء
مكان الميلاد : الاسكندريه ، مصر
تاريخ الميلاد : 22/9/1966
العنوان : 21 - "الاندلس التالي. والديبلوماسيين ، يلغيديدا القاهره
الخبره : 13 عاما من النجاح المتواصل والي كل العرب و وجمهور الخارجيه المصريه ، مع 12 ألبوم وأكثر من 120 أغنية..

////////////// الروابط الي بيحطوها الأعضاء بيقدر فقط الأعضاء يشوفوها ، اذا مصرّ تشوف الرابط بك تسجل يعني تصير عضو بأخوية سوريا بالأول -///////////////


Name : Mostafa Ahmad Mohammad Hasan Amar
Egyptian : Nationality
Married : Martial Status
Virgo : Horoscope
Place Of Birth :Alexandria ,Egypt
Date Of Birth :22/9/1966
Address : 21-al andalus str. ,masr elgededa ,Cairo
Experience :13 years of continuing success reaching both the Arab &
the foreign audience, 12 Albums with 120 Songs

Who's Mostafa Amar ?
Mostafa Amar, an Egyptian singer was born in Alexandria in 22/9/1966,He loved the Music since he was a Small kid, he was gifted in playing Talent ,he used to play the mandolin when He was in school, and one day his father bought him a guitar from A Spanish sailor , which he fixed and learned to play , this was the Start of his friendship with the guitar. Then Mostafa learned playing The guitar & piano at the Alexandrian college of music, which is Called Konserfotware .he is the best Arabic man hat play guitar after Omar Khorshid.

When Mostafa grew up he admitted the university of Alexandria to study commerce To help his father not knowing what the future is to bring him. In the university he revealed his talent in singing and musical Composing, he participated in many of the parties there, he used the Songs of the greatest Arab singers ever like abed elhaleem, Abed el wahab …etc. he was still in university untill he was at the age of 28that means that he used to fail because he was busy working in his Songs. In the university he met Sameh El Ajami who wrote most of his Songs, and Khaled Abed Ellateef who became his manager.Those three friends used to meet everyday in the shore of Alexandria To sing song written by Sameh and composed by Mostafa, that was his First appearance as a singer.

Also there he met Reda Zayed who also wrote some of his songs and Ashraf Sarkhogli Who composed music for him, this group was the small factory for Mostafa's songs at that time. which been presented on their stage Alexandria beach.

At the university Mostafa met Ghada, they fell inlove and later they Were married, and gave birth to Eiad (11 years) and Tayyam (7 years), he Made a song for his wife "teery ashanek ghanna "didn't ever published to The audience expressing his feeling toward Ghada, simply his family was one Of the main elements of his success.

One day while he was singing to a crowed Mostafa met a man who introduced himself saying: " I am Hameed Elshaeri", who played a leading roll in Mostafa's real artistic start, He helped Mostafa to come to Cairo and meet the first production company in his life, and even it was the only chance for Mostafa to start he made problems with the company all because he wanted to present the kind of music he believed in, and after years of troubles in Cairo where Mostafa didn't know any body except Hameed , again Hameed helped him to launch his first song in "al asdeqaa" Album , Making him famous all over Egypt with his first song "wala yabou khadd Jameel" later on which he dedicated to his wife Ghada, Hameed used Mostafa's talent in music composing and made Mostafa compose to most of his generation singers then and with Hameed's help Mostafa made his first Album "wassaf". Two songs played an important roll in Mostafa's success, which are: "yabou galabeya toubee" and "habibi", then he became more famous When he published his second album "layaliki", which helped to spread His music all over the Arab world. Mostafa's success didn't stop at this point, it continued with the next Album "sekket elashe'en", and hit the highest sales in the Arab world with his album "eftekerny", making himself a golden name among the Greatest singers, to be known as the moon of stars, and the moon of Arabic Song, then he participated in many festivals like Jerash in Jordan, Kurtage In Tunisia, Al mahaba wa al wafaa in Syria & many other Arab festivals.

Mostafa later decided to make a change in his new album to test the People's real interest in Mostafa amar, so he launched his new album "Liman yahommoh al amr" "to whom it may concern" which consisted of five of Mostafa's most special songs, one of these songs is "kan leya yom habib" Which was the first song he sang in a party earlier in the college, and he wrote a book titled with the name of that album, This book described how much these songs meant to Mostafa,

Also the story Of his success. Also this album Contained a vocal message that says: "my dear fans, in the past when the City sleeps, I had a dream of reaching your hearts; I sang a lot, and made A huge success until I got tired,
but I still have a long way to go, and All the songs that I made, I dedicate it to you in a book and an album" To whom concern". Mostafa Considered one of the brightest stars in his generation who reached the stardom in very short time advancing on all of his colleagues whom became super stars later on. Mostafa later changed his style attempting to make his success not only in The Arab world but also around the globe, so he launched his album "tal Ellel" which contained an English song by him, attempts to reach that Goal. also he made a lot of concerts out of the Arab world in USA, UK, Australia & all over Europe making a huge popularity to him there so they Called him in Egypt the flying singer; because of being out of egypt all the time, the best thing that made him very Happy was a person giving him a paper in one of his concerts and telling Him that he is Frank Sinatra Middle East. And that made Mostafa very happy. Also they used to call him Elves Presley Middle East because of the Guitar And how good he is with playing the Guitar.

Mostafa's albums "nar alhob" and "enek wahshany", were A huge step in Mostafa's attempt to improve his style, and by the help of The creative director Tariq El Arian he made a great video clips, & after that A very nice song with the greatest musical composer & singer in the Arab world The one who helped him from the beginning Hameed El Shaeri "Ghazali" & his massive hit album "aisheen" which contianed a deu with the famous Gipsy Kings Group it was a new style new look , all in an Attempt to gain global success that made him known as the king of pop in the Arab world.

Also he was the first one who made a revolution in the video clip when he once made a clip cost 1 million EP only to make new idea's just like "Hayati" and "Khabeeny" clips . Mostafa thought to enter the cinema using his talent in acting and makin a history to him just like what most of arab greatest singers did in the past but to get More experience he didn't want to be the only star in the Movie & that what He did when he shot his first movie "al batal" with the two great actors Ahmad Zaki and Mohammad Henedi trying to know more about acting in his First try and after the movie success he shot another movie "el hub el awwal" a romantic movie lead us to the classic age of love , but this time he was the star of the movie that made a big success in the arab world and high sales. also Mostafa used cinema to discuss the hot issues in the arab world such as Palestine issue as in "ashab walla business" Using cinema to reach more success. Success of Mostafa is progress: "alb garee" and "bahebak wana kaman" and "hobak nar".
Mostafa's unique style , mixing between the eastern and the western music And between pop and classical music this style helped him to success quickly, He made 12 albums includes 120 songs.

03/10/2006, 04:13
////////////// الروابط الي بيحطوها الأعضاء بيقدر فقط الأعضاء يشوفوها ، اذا مصرّ تشوف الرابط بك تسجل يعني تصير عضو بأخوية سوريا بالأول -///////////////

03/10/2006, 04:15
حياه مصطفى قمر

////////////// الروابط الي بيحطوها الأعضاء بيقدر فقط الأعضاء يشوفوها ، اذا مصرّ تشوف الرابط بك تسجل يعني تصير عضو بأخوية سوريا بالأول -///////////////

ولد فى مدينه الاسكندريه التى اعطته بطبيعتها وهوائها واماكنها الكثير من مفردات الجمال الذى يحاول ان يترجمه فى ... غنوه
لمصطفى قمر 4 اخوات لكنه الوحيد بينهم الذى نشات بينه وبين الموسيقى علاقه عاطفيه ؛ واستمر فى كليه التجارة قسم اداره الاعمال الى ان وصل سنه الى 28 سنه
ولم يجد اى معارضه من اهله فى دخوله مجال الفن
تعررض خلال حياته الفنيه الى شائعات كثيره منها انه مزور دولارات مع العلم ان الحقيقه غير ذلك
والحكايه ان المؤلف سامح العجمى ذهب الى البنك لكى يغير مبلغ 400 $ وكان من بينهم دولار مزور
فتم عمل محضر بذلك وفى اليوم التالى وجد مكتوب فى صفحات الجرائد اخلى سبيل المتهم
على الفور اصبح متهم من غير اى شىء
ومضى فى طريقه الفنى وهو مطرب يميل الى الرومانسيه

03/10/2006, 04:17
الولد الشقي مصطفى قمر

هو الفنان الاسكندرانى فتى أحلام المراهقات والولد الشقى بالنسبة للكبار ، يجمع مصطفى قمر بين حلو الصوت والملامح والقبول الفطرى من الجمهور فبظهوره يتفاعل معه الجمهور وشعبيته جارفة بين جموع الشباب وبخاصة بين الجنس اللطيف الذي يردد أغانيه ويحفظها عن ظهر قلبفصوره معلقة فى حجرات المراهقات وعلى الجدران وفى قلوب المعجبات والهائمات.

////////////// الروابط الي بيحطوها الأعضاء بيقدر فقط الأعضاء يشوفوها ، اذا مصرّ تشوف الرابط بك تسجل يعني تصير عضو بأخوية سوريا بالأول -///////////////

بدأ مصطفى الغناء فى مسقط رأسه بالإسكندرية في حفلات الجامعة والحفلات الخاصة حتى لمع في مدينته وأصبح المطرب الاول فيها وكان طبيعيا ان تستقطبه أضواء القاهرة بعد أن تجاوزت شهرته حدود الإسكندرية ففى إحدى حفلات ليالي التليفزيون تعرف عليه الجمهور وأحب أغانيه وكانت هى شهادة الميلاد الحقيقية له . ومنذ ذلك الوقت عرفه الجمهور وردد اغانيه الخفيفة "قولوا لى فين حبيبى" و"يا واد يا اسكندرانى" و"طال الليل" وتوالت ألبوماته الناجحة وحقق انتشارا واسعا فى وقت قصير ، وبعدما تأكد نجاحه كمطرب اتجه الى السينما فى محاولة منه لإعطاء أغانيه عمرا أطول.
ومصطفى قمر له مع السينما أربعة تجارب كان اولها فيلم "البطل" مع النجم الكبير احمد وثانى افلامه "الحب الاول" مع منى زكى وحنان ترك وهانى رمزى وقد حقق ايرادات ضخمة حيث استقبله الجمهور المتعطش للافلام الرومانسية افضل استقبال وظل اسابيع عديدة متصدرا فى مقدمة السباق المصرى واعاد للشباب مشاعره الرقيقة واحلامه الضائعة مما جعل المنتجين يلهثون وراءه واخيرا عاد بفيلم اخر ونوعية مختلفة عن الحب الاول وهو "اصحاب ولا بيزنس" الذى يعد نقلة فنية فى حياة المطرب مصطفى قمر ويقوم فيه بدور كريم المذيع الشاب التافه الذى يضطر للسفر الى فلسطين ليغطى الاحداث هناك ويتعلم اشياء كثيرة كانت غائبة عنه ويعود منها بمفاهيم جديدة وشخصية اخرى ، وآخر افلامه فيلم "قلب جرئ" وهو أيضا فيلم رومانسى غنائى .
ومصطفى قمر مطرب يعرف كيف يشق طريقه للنجاح فقد حقق البومه "حياتى" مبيعات كبيرة وزاد نجاحه بعد تصوير اغنية الشريط فيديو كليب ، ولا لاشك ان المطرب مصطفى قمر لديه حاسة فنية على المسرح وسرعة تجاوب مع الجمهور فنجاح حفلاته مضمون بينما لا يصادف نفس النجاح كل ألبوماته .

04/10/2006, 21:13
شو بدي قلك اوزو عن جد الف ميرسي عالمجهود الحلو والموضوع الرائع.تسلم اوزو.وميرسي عالصور الحلوة.وسيرة الفنان مصطفى قمر:clap: :king:
ميرسييييييييييييييييييييي ييييييييي احلى اوزو

05/10/2006, 02:22
شو بدي قلك اوزو عن جد الف ميرسي عالمجهود الحلو والموضوع الرائع.تسلم اوزو.وميرسي عالصور الحلوة.وسيرة الفنان مصطفى قمر:clap: :king:

ميرسييييييييييييييييييييي ييييييييي احلى اوزو

:akh: :akh: :mimo: :kissyou: غازو تكرم عيونك ولو انتي غالية ع كل اعضاء اخوية ...:kissyou: :mimo: :akh: :akh:

05/10/2006, 02:32
الله يسلمك احلى اوزو بدي خلي هالموضوع يكبر وراح حط فيه صور وكل خبر جديد عن مصطفى قمر:yahoo: احلى اوزوووووووو:clap:

05/10/2006, 02:50
الله يسلمك احلى اوزو بدي خلي هالموضوع يكبر وراح حط فيه صور وكل خبر جديد عن مصطفى قمر:yahoo: احلى اوزوووووووو:clap:

:gem: :gem: :gem: وأنا معك غازوووو...:gem: :gem: :gem:

10/10/2006, 04:01
:yahoo: :yahoo: