
عرض كامل الموضوع : NOKIA THE ORIGINAL

yousef saheli
30/09/2007, 16:45
Would you like to know if your Nokia mobile is original or not?!!



After you enter the code you will see a new code containing 15 digits:
For example: 355108001784562
IF the digits Seven & Eight are 02 or 20 this means it was assembled inEmirates which is very Bad quality

IF the digits Seven & Eight are 08 or 80 this means it was manufactured
in Germany which is not bad

IF the digits Seven & Eight are 01 or 10 this means it was manufactured in Finland which is Good

IF the digits Seven & Eight are00 this means it was manufactured in the original factory which is the best Mobile Quality ...

IF the digits Seven & Eight are 13 this means it was assembled in
Azerbaijan which is very Bad quality and very dangerous for health!!!
