
أخوية سوريا: تجمع شبابي سوري (ثقافي، فكري، اجتماعي) بإطار حراك مجتمع مدني - ينشط في دعم الحرية المدنية، التعددية الديمقراطية، والتوعية بما نسميه الحد الأدنى من المسؤولية العامة. نحو عقد اجتماعي صحي سليم، به من الأكسجن ما يكف لجميع المواطنين والقاطنين.
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قديم 17/12/2007   #1
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
-- مستشــــــــــار --
الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
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نورنا ب:
Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة

Wink ابراج بالانكليزي

The Pisces Woman

She likes to be in a dream world than to be in reality. She is weak and sensitive when it's comes to "Love". She can cry if her best friend is breaking up, and she can be overly excited when her friend gets a new boyfriend who is a good looking and rich even it is nothing concerning her at all. You might be surprise to see that she is shy just because she is in love. More or less it will be in Pisces woman. She loves small animals and gifted in training animals.

She has sixth sense and she can guess what will happen next, it's her nature. Even she has a good sixth sense, she can not pick or foreseen her own choice of lover. She cannot tell if she meet a sincere guy or otherwise. She likes to buy and pick her own clothes. She likes to dress cute and be cute. Pisces woman tend to be a good looking woman and she has a nice skin. Her hands and feet are small and soft. Pisces woman loves to shop for shoes as if she collects them.

Whether she has a man in her life or not, she will never try to over power any man. It's not even in her thoughts. She thinks man can handle things better, and she will make her man feel that way. She is an easy going person, so being with her is easy. She is a confident woman and likes to make people who stay with her happy. She knows how to please and how to comfort a man. If something is wrong, she will try to make other people belief that it's must be because of someone else, not because of her loved one. She will not push her man to be ambition but to make him feel like he should be happy with the way he is now. She is happy with you for what you are now.

A Pisces woman, if she has a bad childhood, she will always remember it and it will make her a very unhappy person. She will pity herself and feel sorry for herself. She tends to hurt herself without knowing it and so vulnerable to drugs (real drugs or just sleeping pills). She has many choices and you can never tell which path she going to take. If you love her , then hold her tight because she never knows why she did what she did or what she will do next. A complex character. You may think she is a shy innocent type and can not hurt anyone, but you are wrong. You might think she is a fragile person who needs protection, wrong again. She has been through a lot, a tough cookie. She is a dreamer and love the word "love", so she is the type who will buy gifts for anyone for any occasion, especially if it is a gift for wedding or an anniversary even for someone who she does not know so well.

Be very careful if fall in love with Pisces woman. She can be a total different person before and after. She can be an angel before and later a witch, but everyone is not perfect, right? She will be soft and gentle most of the time, so not to worry. She is emotional and extremely sensitive when she's frequently hurt. She is the type who can cry her heart out.She can have a secret fear inside, when she says she does not need anyone. She badly needs someone to protect her, but sometimes she can hide that feeling by being stubborn. She would hide her shyness and her weakness from her enemies. She does not like to follow any fixed rules. She can be a good housewife if you know how to handle her. Many men will ask to marry her because she is a 100% woman. If she wants to be sweet, she is a real angel.

لا تَقُل : يا رب عندي هَـمّ كبير
ولكن قُل : يا هـمّ عندي ربّ كبير :]


يا ريـحة البـلاد يا عطر الفّواح ..غـالي علينا يا تراب بلادنا
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قديم 17/12/2007   #2
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
-- مستشــــــــــار --
الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
*Marwa* is offline
نورنا ب:
Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة


Famous Pisces Female

Alexandra Bastedo
March 9, 1946

Ali Larter
February 28, 1976

Anna Magnani
March 7, 1908

Ann Sheridan
February 21, 1915

Barbara Feldon
March 12, 1941

Bernadette Peters
February 28, 1948

Brittany Daniel
March 17, 1976

Brooke Burns
March 16, 1978

Cindy Crawford
February 20, 1966

Elizabeth Taylor
February 27, 1932

Eva Longoria
March 15, 1975

Lauren Graham
Mar.16, 1967

Melinda Messenger
February 23, 1971

Sharon Stone
March.10, 1958

Stephanie Beacham
February 28, 1947

Vanessa Williams
March 18, 1963

And of course Me..Myself
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قديم 17/12/2007   #3
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
-- مستشــــــــــار --
الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
*Marwa* is offline
نورنا ب:
Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة


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قديم 17/12/2007   #4
شب و شيخ الشباب suryoyo
الصورة الرمزية لـ suryoyo
suryoyo is offline
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Dec 2005
اطلال المدينة الفاضلة


Astrology again

By the way talk about Pisces man

أدعى الناس الى الشفقة ذلك الي يحول أحلامه الى الفضىة و الذهب.. جبران خليل جبران

اذا كان العالم اشتراكيا بالفطرة و رأسماليا بالفطرة و ربما قوميا بالفطرة ... فهل يا ترى كان رجعيا بالفطرة ؟

لن نبق اسرى الماضي ...
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قديم 17/12/2007   #5
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
-- مستشــــــــــار --
الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
*Marwa* is offline
نورنا ب:
Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة


كاتب النص الأصلي : suryoyo عرض المشاركة
Astrology again

By the way talk about Pisces man
I like Astrology actually i'm addicted to it

you're right i have to witre about the pisces man too

Btw what's your zodiac sign??
  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 17/12/2007   #6
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
-- مستشــــــــــار --
الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
*Marwa* is offline
نورنا ب:
Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة

Wink The Pisces Man


He is very emotional and always allows himself to be very emotional. He can have a good nights' sleep and be in a good mood, and less than few hours at work he can be very moody. He does not understand things or try to understand things easily. If you observe him carefully, you will notice what kind of mood he is in. He is a thinker and able to do well at work and always succeed. His normal gestures mean he always look at other people faults, but he will not talk about it. He has the ability to know your thought and able to tell you what you are thinking about.

He can mostly remembers all his anger, his loves. They are his important secrets and he will keep them to himself and will never let you know. He is not a very ambitious man and careless about his position in society. Wealth does not draw his attention, because he is not greedy man and as well he thinks money is not something that will last. He could be very careless about his future. He does not like to fight against all odds, but instead follows the stream and make his life easier. Sometimes because he likes to take an easy path, which may cause him very unsteady future. He is kind and slightly lazy, but it is his cute character. He hates rules and regulations. He will never look down on people. He is a polite guy and can be very aggressive when he is mad. He loves to think that he lives in a beautiful world and surrounded by nice people, so if he finds his world is cruel and not what he expects, he will live in his own world instead.

His other charm is that he is a funny guy, and it is his real weapon. He can tease you and yet make it looks like one of his jokes. Even when he is sad, he still has that funny face, so you could hardly tell if he is mad or depressed. He prefers to hide his feeling and help other people especially those who need friend or are lonely. He will be everything that you want and everything you do not want. He has a chance to make it as much as a chance to fail. He can determine to make it work and can do it well, except he tend to lost his energy with other important things, that's how he miss many of his good opportunities.

He can be happy and contented by himself. What he think is important is not love, but firm status and stability. He has plenty of love for you. He is a good speaker, as much as he is a good listener. When he is with you, he wants to be happy. He understands his partner's emotions. He likes to take a long rest and sometimes be alone. If he needs to be alone, try not to disturb him. He is a sensitive, quiet, shy and easily hurt. He wants to feel worthy. He can be mad and noisy, but once he calm down, he will be that happy person again. He is not a jealous or possessive guy, and if he feels jealous he will hide it.

He has many friends of both sexes, and he cares about his friends. He likes to have lots of friends, so you should not be jealous or else you will loose him. He likes beautiful things, so if a pretty woman walk by he will look, so do not get mad at him knowing this fact. When he is lonely or feeling sad, be close to comfort him. He does not like to take advice, so if you want him to listen or to follow your advice, you have to act as a good example for him first. He likes a cheery and a smart woman. If you treat him like he is your special person, then he will be that special person for you. He will trust you if he is in love, but try not to over do it and spoil him too much. You have to know that you are worth all the time too.

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قديم 17/12/2007   #7
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
-- مستشــــــــــار --
الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
*Marwa* is offline
نورنا ب:
Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة


Famous Pisces Men

Aaron Eckhart
March 12, 1968

Alexander G. Bell
March 3, 1847

Albert Einstein
March 14, 1879

Bruce Willis
March 19, 1955

Billy Crystal
March 14, 1947

Chuck Norris
March 10, 1940

Daniel Craig
March 2, 1968

George Washington
February 22, 1732

Michael Caine
March 14, 1933

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قديم 17/12/2007   #8
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
-- مستشــــــــــار --
الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
*Marwa* is offline
نورنا ب:
Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة


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قديم 17/12/2007   #9
صبيّة و ست الصبايا cuty
-- زعيـــــــم --
الصورة الرمزية لـ cuty
cuty is offline
نورنا ب:
Aug 2006



what about the girly side?

many things really really touch my personality

Marwa have mercy plzzz...bekafi kol mawdo3 a7la men el tani

lovely marwa...thnx

"Never say I love you....if you don't really care
Never talk about feelings....if they aren't really there^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
If you really mean forever...then say you will try
Never say forever.....cause forever makes me cry
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قديم 17/12/2007   #10
صبيّة و ست الصبايا cuty
-- زعيـــــــم --
الصورة الرمزية لـ cuty
cuty is offline
نورنا ب:
Aug 2006


cancer woman plz????
wut about her missy?
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قديم 17/12/2007   #11
شب و شيخ الشباب suryoyo
الصورة الرمزية لـ suryoyo
suryoyo is offline
نورنا ب:
Dec 2005
اطلال المدينة الفاضلة


كاتب النص الأصلي : *Marwa* عرض المشاركة
I like Astrology actually i'm addicted to it

you're right i have to witre about the pisces man too

Btw what's your zodiac sign??
I am not addict at all!!

about my zodiac... it is Vargo !

don't tell anybody ....... ok
  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 18/12/2007   #12
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
-- مستشــــــــــار --
الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
*Marwa* is offline
نورنا ب:
Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة


كاتب النص الأصلي : cuty عرض المشاركة
cancer woman plz????
wut about her missy?
I'll do write for the cancer woman

  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 18/12/2007   #13
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
-- مستشــــــــــار --
الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
*Marwa* is offline
نورنا ب:
Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة


كاتب النص الأصلي : suryoyo عرض المشاركة
I am not addict at all!!

about my zodiac... it is Vargo !

don't tell anybody ....... ok

  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 18/12/2007   #14
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
-- مستشــــــــــار --
الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
*Marwa* is offline
نورنا ب:
Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة

Wink The Cancer Woman

The Cancer Woman
June 22 - July 22

Cancer is the protective, mothering force of the Zodiac. She soothes and consoles, understands and nurtures. Whatever lies within her domain is kindly and generously protected, with a fierce tenacity......children, home, friends, allies and possessions. Anyone who disturbs the close circle of Cancer's home will get pinched
The Cancer is a sensitive soul whose protective nature extends to her own carefully guarded feelings. Cancer needs to feel strong, because she is responsible for so much and so many. Any assault on her personal strength, character or integrity is considered a serious threat, and she may hide, or turn and fight with bitter words.

Because the Cancer has a very deep intuition into the feelings and motives of others, she may detect hostility that is not readily apparent to others, or that is intentionally hidden. You may see or hear her strike out at a seemingly innocent person, but Cancer knows very well what lies beneath the surface.

Cancer is sometimes called touchy and sensitive. There is much behind this sensitivity. Ruled by
water, she is an imaginative, creative, flowing and maternal person. Cancer enjoys all things related with caring for others - cooking, tending to young ones, decorating, teaching, healing, and gathering food. The Ocean has a special calling to Cancer, and her moods change with the phases of the Moon.

Cancer can be downcast and crabby or a silly lunatic, but most importantly, she can always be counted on to love unconditionally and to care for her loved ones with all her heart.
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قديم 18/12/2007   #15
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
-- مستشــــــــــار --
الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
*Marwa* is offline
نورنا ب:
Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة



Princess Diana,
Linda Ronstadt,
Pamela Lee,
Courtney Love,
Liv Tyler,
Lena Horne,
Gina Lollogrigida,
Meryl Streep
, Diahann Carroll,
Elizabeth Dole,
'Lil Kim
And of course Cuty
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قديم 18/12/2007   #16
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
-- مستشــــــــــار --
الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
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نورنا ب:
Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة


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قديم 18/12/2007   #17
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
-- مستشــــــــــار --
الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
*Marwa* is offline
نورنا ب:
Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة

Wink The Virgo Man


Time is precious for Virgo man and if you make him wait, he will consider that as an insult. He hates to hear criticism and hates to be criticized. If he is criticizing other people, then he must be influenced by other Zodiac. He is and he likes to be a perfectionist. He always think he is doing the right and appropriate thing , and often he thinks he makes no mistake. He is a bright guy and could accept comments if he thinks it can improve himself. He is the type who well adjusted to make changes. He will spent money carefully and spent it worthwhile. He will only extravagant for his personal pleasure only.

He is quite romantic, a type of guy who can drive 100 miles just to tell you how much he misses you. If he does not care about you, he will not even spent a dime to call you locally. Long distant special low rate call is also out of the question. He hates rough and crude people. His woman has to be clean and dress well. He inspects any thing in detail beside being a perfectionist, so you could be lying in your bikini with a perfect figure and he can suddenly comment you about your big feet. If you gain 2 pounds, he may comment you are getting too fat. Before going out with this kind of guy, look at yourself head to toe in the mirror and ask yourself if you are really and entirely ready. Unless he dates a model, then he will have less comments.

He is neat and tidy, so his life always in a schedule, a fix time to lunch, the same time to go home. He is well knowledge about food and conscious about nutrition, so you won't see this guy eating a junk food, or strange and exotic food for sure.You will see him in social events or party if only necessary. He is gifted with acting, so if he says he can not go out with you because he is sick, then you will believe him. He is a hard to please when it comes to what to eat, how to work, what kind of a woman to date. He always neat and tidy all the times, even if he is in the army, he will be the cleanest soldier in the camp. He likes to speak properly with no slang. He hates laziness and lazy people. He always act like a boring mature adult, but after getting to know him, you will know he has his own charm. He always see things clearly, so he is not the type to be blinded by love. He is a kind and cool guy, but if constantly irritate with rudeness, ignorance, or stupidity then he will show you that he is annoyed.

You may see a guy in this Zodiac dress up in an old shirt and old jeans, but if you look carefully, you will see that his hair is neat and unconsciously he will touch his hair a lot. His desk is always neat and if he sees small scrap paper on the floor, he will pick it up or put it in the basket.People may think he is selfish, because when he says "No", he really means it. Any favor asked , he will help but always in his own limit. The more he see faults in others, the less he wants people to see his. If you want him to change his faults, try to tell him gently or he could take it as an insult. He wants love that comes with quality, so he only has a few loves in his life. A woman's trick will not work with him. If he breaks up with a woman, he will also try to avoid all her friends and her environment too. He is very picky and every breaking up, he will be double careful next time.He can sweep woman with his charm, but he likes to keep his relationship like a friend. He likes a sincere self confident woman, neat and clean, perfect and tidy. A real two "P" , picky and perfectionist Zodiac.

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قديم 18/12/2007   #18
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
-- مستشــــــــــار --
الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
*Marwa* is offline
نورنا ب:
Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة


Famous Virgo Men

Guy Ritchie
Ryan Phillipe,

Keanu Reeves

, Jeremy Irons,

Ray Charles
Hugh Grant

Tommy Lee Jones
, Michael Jackson,

Larry Hagman

And of course Suryoyo
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